Im sorry if my writing does not read well when translated but here goes. I am not an investment adviser i am simply a dumb apes with a crazy idea of how thing could realistically unfold after 2 months of due diligence, hanging from my tree and eating lots of bananas. Fellow apes will understand.
I believe that the two most volitile and guaranteed stocks that will out perform all other stocks over next 6 months will be GME and AMC primarily due to the simplist of reasons, massive shareholder support made up of retail investors who simply love these two companies because of who they are and what they do .The shear magnitude of this retail shareholder base ranges from 9 million to potentially over 20 million shareholders. Do the numbers yourself if you doubt the buying power of these individuals. Secondly because large hedge funds have shorted these companys to the extreme with false or synthetic shares ( shares that do not exist) which they are now having to start to produce ie buy from a very small pool of shares available. Again numbers range from as low as 60 million shares to well over 1 Billion false/synthetic shares shorted. There is no other outcome other than to drive the share price up in an almost uncontrolable and unseen manner as demand will outstrip supply many many times over. Simply greedy hedge funds have finally dug themselves a hole from which they can not recover through any other means other than to try and buy shares from a very cleverly and closely held pool of WSB retail investors numbering in excessof 9 million. To further complicate their problems, competing hedge funds are looking for blood.
There is no way out.
We have all just read the recent articles about Archegos and should now be becoming aware of the magnitude and scale of these practices. Both the clearing houses, the Banks and the SEC are now waking up to this problem. WSB saw it way back in January. I haveread and re read so many articles and scrolled through so many analytical articles that my dumb ape brain is numb. I am not a totally silly ape because i have lived a long time and gained some wisdom through falling of trees many times and then climbing back to the top. Every apes should consider the above stocks and even if just for fun, buy one each and simply then just ignore everything that happens around it and all the false news and just HODL ( ape for hold) it.. you will read when its time to sell, there are 9 million other retail investors who will have you back.
It is pointless looking at MA or Candles etc with these two stocks because what is about to happen has never happened before ( other than with VW and this is massively larger), these stocks are hugely manipulated to the point of defying all historical trends and indicators...just consider that 2 days ago you had no idea about ARCHEGOS.... Make yourown decisions, dont rely on mainstream news articles, enjoy a little fun and always do at least one thing that goes against the trend. Happy trading my fellow traders.??