Seatrium Ltd's price-to-book (P/B) ratio isn't explicitly stated, but we can look at its current market price and intrinsic value to gauge its fairness.
The company's current market price is SGD 2.07, while its intrinsic value is estimated to be SGD 2.81, suggesting that Seatrium Ltd is *undervalued by 26%*.¹ This discrepancy indicates a potential buying opportunity for investors.
To further evaluate Seatrium Ltd's fairness, let's consider its *valuation history*. The company's stock is trading at its lowest valuation over the past five years, with a very attractive valuation of +45% compared to its average valuation.
In terms of *future outlook*, Wall Street analysts forecast Seatrium Ltd's stock price to rise over the next 12 months, with an average price target of SGD 2.74 and a potential upside of 33%.
Overall, Seatrium Ltd's undervaluation, attractive valuation history, and promising future outlook suggest that it may be a good investment opportunity for those looking for value stocks.