New Features you should know
[New] Newly added price calculator for multi leg options
[New] Stock news tab supports date&label filtering and keyword search
[New] A new US ETF area supports various types of ETF themes
[Optimization] Watchlist news is upgraded to FOCUS on important clues
[Optimization] The Pro order page supports folding of the market quote bar, and some varieties support displaying Sell to Close / Buy to Close
Desktop (Version 8.36.0)
[New] The multi-leg option has added market orders, stop-loss orders, stop-limit orders, bracket orders with take-profit and stop-loss, and conditional orders.
[New] Option P&L simulation supports order price input to recalculate
1.Newly added price calculator for multi-leg options
The multi-leg option has added a price calculator, which can simulate and calculate the price of this option combo under future scenarios. The implied volatility of each option can be adjusted individually.
2.Stock news tab supports date&label filtering and keyword search
The stock news feed has added keyword search and filter functions. It supports everyone to set keyword, date, label and other filtering conditions according to your own needs, quickly filter and find corresponding news, and improve the efficiency of information search.
3.A new US ETF area supports various types of ETF themes
-Path:Quotes-US-ETFIcon/Search-ETF/Wealth-ETF Mall
-Introduction: ETF area supports various types of ETF themes
4.Watchlist news is upgraded to FOCUS on important clues
The Watchlist news content is fully upgraded, FOCUSing on various types of important clues. Involved modules: Quotes-Watchlist bottom, and News-Watchlist.
5.The Pro order page supports folding of the market quote bar, and some varieties support displaying Sell to Close / Buy to Close
Desktop(Version 8.36.0)
1.[New] The multi-leg option has added market orders, stop-loss orders, stop-limit orders, bracket orders with take-profit and stop-loss, and conditional orders.
The multi-leg option now supports a variety of advanced orders, which can meet users' needs for operations such as stop-loss. The stop-loss price is based on the mark price as the reference price for triggering orders.
At the same time, the multi-leg option supports placing orders triggered by conditions based on the underlying stock.