
    • leiloumouleiloumou
      What happens if you buy the stock right now?Let's get back to our original question. What happens if you buy Amazon shares before Monday? No need to worry. You can go out and buy the stock right now or at any point before June 6 and you'll get the extra shares, and here's why.When you buy a stock, you're buying it from someone else. That individual, as an Amazon shareholder of record on May 27, for example, has the right to those additional shares created during the split. So this right is transferred over to your account after your purchase.

      Amazon: Forget the Upcoming Stock Split and Focus on These Key Factors

      Amazon's(AMZN) upcoming stock split does not change anything from a fundamental perspective.First-qu
      Amazon: Forget the Upcoming Stock Split and Focus on These Key Factors

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