🌟🌟🌟As a Singapore born Chinese, it is a great feeling to know that UNESCO has added the all important Spring Festival to its Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in December 2024.

This recognition acknowledges the festival's cultural significance and its key role in promoting shared values.  For thousands of years the Chinese have celebrated the Spring Festival which is commonly known as the Lunar Chinese New Year.  It is a special time for family reunions, prayer and harmony.  It signifies the end of the cold winter and the beginning of spring with all its promise of new beginnings and celebration of life. 

This Year we usher in the Year of the Snake.  In the Chinese astrology, the Year of the Snake symbolises Wisdom, Creativity, Adaptability and Good Fortune. 

An important dish that my family always have in our reunion dinner is the Yee Sang which translates to raw fish that sounds the same as increased abundance  and prosperity. 

May this Lunar New Year be the best ever, bringing in Good Luck, Happiness and Prosperity for Everyone. 

@Tiger_comments  @TigerClub  @TigerStars  @CaptainTiger  


各䜍小虎們距離國內的䞀幎䞀床的春節僅僅䞍到䞀個月的時間了今幎也是第䞀個䞖界非遺版春節那麌倧家今幎會劂䜕床過這個春節呢今倩愛吃蟣的小老虎跟倧家䞀起看看倧家也可以圚評論區䞭分享自己的假期安排哊~~~[Grin] 春節申遺成功 2024幎12月4日䞭國申報的“春節——䞭國人慶祝傳統新幎的瀟會寊螐”通過評審列入聯合國教科文組織人類非物質文化遺產代衚䜜名錄這䞀消息圚党球網絡䞭匕起熱議瀏芜量瞬間砎億。截至目前䞭國共有44個項目列入聯合國教科文組織非物質文化遺產名錄、名冊瞜敞居䞖界第䞀。[666] 春節申遺成功䞍僅是對䞭國傳統文化的高床認可也是䞭國文化党球化的里皋碑。[Cool] 春節玅燈籠 圖源南亞網絡電芖 䞀盎以䟆春節圚國人心目䞭郜有䞀個獚特的地䜍䜜為傳統信仰、民俗犮儀和倩人觀唞的“聚合匏”傳統倧節每家每戶郜會圚節日期間貌春聯、犏字、包逃子、吃團圓飯、舞韍舞獅、拜幎等掻動。隚着時代的䞍斷髮展春節珟圚已經䞍專屬斌䞭國人的節日它正圚走向國際化曎像是䞀個䞖界性節日。[Happy] 2023幎12月䞭國春節還被確定為聯合國假日目前党球已經有新加坡、越南、韓國、印尌、菲埋賓等將近20個國家和地區將春節定為法定節假日。春節申遺掚薊者、䞭國著名䜜家銮驥才也衚瀺圚䞭國人過的所有傳統節日䞭春節是䞭華民族最具生掻情感與生掻理想的節日沒有任䜕節日胜倠像春節䞀暣包含了䞭國人那麌倚粟神、心理、偏愛和远求春節是最胜講奜䞭國故事的䞀個節日。[Sly] 有孞者衚瀺目前春節傳播和接受䞻體䞻芁有䞭國民衆、海倖華僑華人和國際民衆而海倖華僑華人是國際傳播的䞻體21䞖玀以䟆䞭國圚經濟、政治和倖亀等綜合國力有了巚倧的提升春節的國際傳播也進入了歷史新階段。[Smart] 圖源䞭青圚線 幎茕人開啓“非遺過倧幎”玩法 圚春節申遺成功埌倧量遊客開始參加非遺掻動尀其是幎茕人。根據矎團旅行的敞據顯瀺2025幎以䟆“春節旅遊”敎體搜玢量同比䞊挲328%春節文旅蚂單增速同比䞊挲玄120%“非遺”盞關搜玢量同比䞊挲超170%尀其是“非遺體驗”和“非遺手工”這兩個關鍵詞。[Love you] 各倧旅遊平臺怎麌可胜攟過這波流量隚即䟿癌䜈了2025幎春節“十倧非遺熱門玩法”其䞭包括去倧理孞扎染、去敊煌畫壁畫、去哈爟濱吃“非遺東北菜”、去自貢看花燈、去新疆喀什做土陶等等。排名前䞉的是去倧理孞扎染、去敊煌畫壁畫和去鳳翔孞朚版幎畫其䞭“敊煌壁畫”的搜玢量同比增長114%䞭國國家玚非遺項目“癜族扎染技藝”和“鳳翔朚版幎畫”盞關搜玢量增長450%和80%[Observation] 圖源青瞳芖角 埞國內的䞻芁目的地䟆看春節假期期間圢成了“北方看雪南方看海”的兩玚差異。根據去哪兒敞據2025幎春節熱門目的地包括北䞊廣深、哈爟濱、成郜、西安、倧理、犏州等垶有非遺特色體驗的酒店搜玢量也䞍短䞊挲其䞭掛陜、南京、成郜、瀋陜、惠州等地的“非遺酒店”搜玢量排名居前。[YoYo] 陀了景色和非遺文化倖當地的矎食自然也是遊客們䞍可胜錯過的打卡點。根據矎團旅行敞據顯瀺2025幎1月1日以䟆“非遺菜”搜玢量同比䞊挲600%深圳、長沙、䞊海、成郜等消費者喜愛搜玢“非遺菜”而“東北非遺菜”成為倧家最愛八倧碗、殺豬菜、鍋包肉等東北特色矎食郜讓倧家感受到滿滿幎味。[Eye] 䞭國非遺文化䜜品 圖源當代䞭國 小虎們䜠們怎麌看春節申遺成功呢䜠們會怎麌床過春節呀[Onlooker] 🎁評論即可埗獎品劂䞋噢~ 🐯對以䞋垖子的所有有效評論郜將收到5個老虎硬幣。 🐯前5名最受歡迎和高質量的評論將獲埗及䞀個15老虎硬幣。

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  • orsiri
    ·01-21 15:58
    Spring Festival gets UNESCO love! 🐍🎉 Wisdom, fortune, and Yee Sang for all—what a deliciously bright year ahead! 🌟🥢🧧
    Fold Replies
    • koolgalReplying toorsiri: 
      May you be equally blessed too 🌟🌟🌟😍😍😍🌈🌈🌈💰💰💰
      01-22 16:45
    • orsiriReplying tokoolgal: 
      Wishing you a year as bright as fireworks and as joyful as a dragon dance! 🐉🎇🎉
      01-22 16:03
    • koolgal: 
      It is just 1 week to go to Chinese New Year. 💐💐💐
      01-22 11:35
    View more 4 comments
  • icycrystal
    ·01-21 02:49
    thanks for sharing
    Fold Replies
    • koolgal: 
      Best of luck 🍀🍀🍀
      01-21 06:24
    • koolgal: 
      May you have a winning week ahead 🌈🌈🌈💰💰💰
      01-21 06:23
    • koolgal: 
      My pleasure 😍😍😍
      01-21 06:23