• Alex Puffin On Two SmokesAlex Puffin On Two Smokes
      However, it was apparent that I did not properly consider WHY it was so cheap. As a result, prices continued to tank and I did not know why. I was forced to liquidate my holdings at a loss. I learnt that it is very important to consider the why behind fundementals rather than taking them at face value. That's all I have to share today, remember to do your due diligence and happy investing! 
    • JordenTanJordenTan

      Should you invest in Dividend Stocks or Index Funds?

      Let’s talk about whether Dividend Investing is something that you should be looking at! I have been investing in dividends for almost 3 years now and i could be biased, but I want to hear what you guys feel about dividend investing!
      Should you invest in Dividend Stocks or Index Funds?
    • RagzRagz
      After a losing 2022, 2023 became more profitable with some gains. May the bull (or dragon) continue to charge forward.
    • Bioman21Bioman21


      What will I do with DBS? What is my view of the 1 for 10 bonus shares being announced by DBS? I am a fan of banks. Questions that I will ask myself first. 1. What happened after the bonus shares are being issued? 2. What is the price and dividends moving forward? 3. Will I continue to add more DBS shares moving forward? 1. The share price is expected to drop by 11% after the issue of the bonus shares. Based on current price, the price that will expect will be $29.35 to $29.50. It may be cheaper than UOB in future. 2. DBS is still riding on the waves of rates increase for the past 2 years. As such, those people and companies where their loan is being fixed will still continue to pay for the higher interest. I expect the dividends to go lower most likely in 2026 rather than 2025. Share price
    • AnnaanAnnaan

      Cross-border e-commerce still waters run deep - the steady force of Linkage Global Inc

      Linkage Global Inc, a comprehensive cross-border e-commerce service provider, has demonstrated deep strength and forward-looking vision in everything from import/export trade to digital marketing, and from cross-border operations to talent incubation. This steady business strategy has made Linkage Global Inc stand out in the competitive market and become the preferred partner of many enterprises. In the field of digital marketing, Linkage Global Inc has even demonstrated its unique advantages. As a first-tier Google Ads agency, Linkage Global Inc not only has a professional team and technology, but also has a wealth of experience and deep accumulation. Its advertising and promotion business is not only limited to a single advertisement placement, but also pays more attention to the effect
      Cross-border e-commerce still waters run deep - the steady force of Linkage Global Inc
    • ginganinjaginganinja
      I lost 4k and made nothing 
    • zerolihzerolih
      Of course I have greed as a human - when I loss money, I'll regret the purchases or missed selling opportunities ; Conversely,  when I gain money, I'll regret not buy more during low points. There's no "only if" in the reality, I could only learn from failure experience and be grateful with my gain. I'm fortunate to have entered the US market while its low, if I could go back in time I'll definitely invest more in $Microsoft(MSFT)$
    • mgjk88mgjk88
      My 2023 investment decisions in review: 1) My choice to purchase ETFs as the bulk of my portfolio was and is still a wise decision. It allows me to readjust my holdings according to a set of rules without buying or selling any stock, saving money from transaction costs. [Miser]   In addition, it is done automatically every quarter. This saves me time from analysing stocks and keeping up to date with related stock news. [Cool]   Although this strategy would mean underperforming or keeping up to pace with the market, it would save me my most precious resource - time. For those who aspire to attain higher than market returns, careful stock picking from deep analysis would still be the way to go. [Happy]   2) Speculation in hindsight
    • GiantPinkyGiantPinky
      come join ..  tiger best platform 
    • Cboe Global MarketsCboe Global Markets

      Options Industry 2023 Review: Index Products Lead Growth

      Jan 25, 2024As we welcome 2024, let us review how the options industry fared in 2023 and what 2023 performance indicates for the new year.U.S. options volumes industry-wide set another record in 2023 as more investors seek the utility and flexibility derivatives provide to manage risk and generate income. 11.11 billion option contracts traded market-wide in 2023 with daily volume averaging 43.3 million contracts, an increase of 6.8% from one year ago.As inflation persisted in the second half of 2023, many investors became wary of the high valuations of stocks and shifted their portfolios to safer assets such as bonds. The economic outlook also deteriorated, as both the manufacturing and service sectors showed signs of slowing down. Moreover, the leading indicators and the shape of the yiel
      Options Industry 2023 Review: Index Products Lead Growth
    • Tigress02Tigress02
      The only asset in my portfolio _ Tesla. Investing in green energy of the future. While perfecting in EV still has a long way to go. The journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step. Electric cars are growing in popularity every day. Like conventional cars, there are certain benefits and drawbacks of using an electric vehicle compared to a gasoline-powered one. Here are the top few to keep in mind: Pros Of Electric Cars Cons Of Electric Cars Electric cars are energy efficient Electric cars can't travel as far Electric cars reduce emissions "Fueling" takes longer Electric cars require lower maintenance Electric cars are sometimes more expensive On the pros side, electric cars are energy efficient, are better for the environment, and don't require as much maintenance as traditional
    • 1PC1PC
      😲 Wow..if there's a time machine like Back to the Past..  I would not have Sold Tesla NVDA MSFT too early  [Cry] Instead built up position, work hard for the investment Capital and plough back to the stocks [Sad]   ... Now re-start with 2024 Rebalancing with Google [Eye]  let's C how this work out for 2024[Wow]  
    • TigerOptionsTigerOptions

      My Portfolio Journal January 2024

      As January 2024 draws to a close, I've taken some time to reflect on the shares I acquired in 2023 and the trades executed during the month. Trades Closed As detailed in Trade Recap For the Past Month, I successfully closed my sell put options for $Microsoft(MSFT)$ and XLK, both yielding profits. XLK Put MSFT Put Trades Opened Sell $XHB 20240216 85.0 PUT$ XHB Put Chart I hold a bullish sentiment for this ETF, anticipating growth in the homebuilders sector over the next few years. Despite this optimism, I'm currently only selling puts to capture premium gains. It's a somewhat conserva
      My Portfolio Journal January 2024
    • DiAngelDiAngel
      I have not been very active in my investment in 2023 as I was very busy - both personal & at work. It was the small crash on 23Nov 2023 for SG market that woke me up. It is like a big punch[Spurting]  on my face. That's when I decided to get back to SG market again. Ok. 1st trade was a disaster[Anger] [LOL] [Sad]  . My usual xxxxx units to cover my commission from Poems. It was bought at almost ATH last year.[OMG] [Blush]  . That's when I decided to attend basic investment trading seminar to refresh my skills.  After those trading, my confidence level has improved and I stop chasing after the price. Instead, I just queue for miracle to happen.[Bless] [Chuckle] [LOL]  . 2 stocks in January happened. I felt those price
    • Gman69Gman69
      @NIO蔚来 sux and I am ready to make some bank so let's go mother f ets
    • Pelenatita15Pelenatita15
      Nothing more to say about this investing in BITCOIN TIGERS FOR ME I love it and l made the right choice let see what 2024 will bring 
    • WinstonlouWinstonlou
    • luckypmtluckypmt
      Investments in Bitcoin mining stocks were great decisions for me in 2023. Hope it will be bullish in 2024 as well.
    • mgriesmgries
      invest more in 202[Happy]  
    • AdhaMVPAdhaMVP
    • Alex Puffin On Two SmokesAlex Puffin On Two Smokes
      However, it was apparent that I did not properly consider WHY it was so cheap. As a result, prices continued to tank and I did not know why. I was forced to liquidate my holdings at a loss. I learnt that it is very important to consider the why behind fundementals rather than taking them at face value. That's all I have to share today, remember to do your due diligence and happy investing! 