
    • 幸运之拳幸运之拳
      $Alphabet(GOOGL)$  one searchgpt can scare until google drop so much. Am holding long term adding if below 160
    • 幸运之拳幸运之拳
      [Happy] [Happy] [Happy] [Happy] [Happy] [Happy] [Happy] [Happy] [Happy] [Happy] 

      2023 H1 Recap | Goldman & JPM Are Wrong in 2023 Outlooks?

      As we approach the end of the June, some investors begin to forecast the stock market in the next half. Let’s look back at how we did the analysis at the beginning of the 2023.Most retail investors gained information by reading the report and outlooks released by institutions. Let’s find out if Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan are right or wrong in forecasting economy and stock market in 2023. The source are from Goldman and JPMorgan’s official website.Both of them are wrong at predicting the stock market trends in the first half as $S&P 500(.SPX)$ are trading at 4300.They are also wrong in terms of interest rates and inflation. The benchmark rate is now at the range of 5%-5.25% and the market is expecting at least another 25bps.May CPI is 4%, highe
      2023 H1 Recap | Goldman & JPM Are Wrong in 2023 Outlooks?
    • 幸运之拳幸运之拳

      Use Technical Analysis To Find MARA Trading Opportunity

      I believe we are seeing some news of organization investing into their own crypto exchanges. This would drive the demand for Bitcoin. Hence, $Marathon Digital Holdings Inc(MARA)$ being a major Bitcoin miner would be able to take some advantage of this demand. So I am writing this article to do a technical analysis using candlestick pattern and some indicators to explore if we can buy into MARA now since it experience a price adjustment last night (26 June 23). MARA On Bullish Engulfing Candlestick Pattern MARA just got its bullish engulfing candlestick on 23 June 23 (Last Friday), yesterday price down was driven by selling activities. I foresee that we should have a good trading today (27 June 2023). Use Simple Moving Averages (SMA) To Determine M
      Use Technical Analysis To Find MARA Trading Opportunity
    • 幸运之拳幸运之拳
      Great ariticle, would you like to share it?
      Is the Recent Drop in Tesla (TSLA) Stock a Golden Buying Opportunity?
      Is the Recent Drop in Tesla (TSLA) Stock a Golden Buying Opportunity?
    • 幸运之拳幸运之拳
      Great ariticle, would you like to share it?

      2023 H1 Recap | Goldman & JPM Are Wrong in 2023 Outlooks?

      As we approach the end of the June, some investors begin to forecast the stock market in the next half. Let’s look back at how we did the analysis at the beginning of the 2023.Most retail investors gained information by reading the report and outlooks released by institutions. Let’s find out if Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan are right or wrong in forecasting economy and stock market in 2023. The source are from Goldman and JPMorgan’s official website.Both of them are wrong at predicting the stock market trends in the first half as $S&P 500(.SPX)$ are trading at 4300.They are also wrong in terms of interest rates and inflation. The benchmark rate is now at the range of 5%-5.25% and the market is expecting at least another 25bps.May CPI is 4%, highe
      2023 H1 Recap | Goldman & JPM Are Wrong in 2023 Outlooks?
    • 幸运之拳幸运之拳
      Great ariticle, would you like to share it?

      2023 H1 Recap | Goldman & JPM Are Wrong in 2023 Outlooks?

      As we approach the end of the June, some investors begin to forecast the stock market in the next half. Let’s look back at how we did the analysis at the beginning of the 2023.Most retail investors gained information by reading the report and outlooks released by institutions. Let’s find out if Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan are right or wrong in forecasting economy and stock market in 2023. The source are from Goldman and JPMorgan’s official website.Both of them are wrong at predicting the stock market trends in the first half as $S&P 500(.SPX)$ are trading at 4300.They are also wrong in terms of interest rates and inflation. The benchmark rate is now at the range of 5%-5.25% and the market is expecting at least another 25bps.May CPI is 4%, highe
      2023 H1 Recap | Goldman & JPM Are Wrong in 2023 Outlooks?
    • 幸运之拳幸运之拳
      Great ariticle, would you like to share it?

      【聶Sir市評】正向及負向因素抗衡 恆指走向仍在醞釀確立 (2023/06/29)

      恆指$恆生指數(HSI)$ 於6月19至26日錄得五連跌,累跌近1,250點 (20,040 → 18,794點) 後,過去兩日 (6月27及28日) 則見二連升,有望擺脫之前跌勢。現時值得從技術走勢及基本因素作考量,分析後市是否真的可感樂觀。 留意6月21和23日之間見下跌裂口,頂部為19,174點,高於恆指昨收19,172點,證明還未完成「補裂口」。另想指出6月20和21日之間亦見一個下跌裂口,介乎19,377至19,504點,反映現要完成兩次「補裂口」,恆指收高於19,500點,方能確認港股後市仍有上升空間,現看恆指要續升言之尚早。 港股處於偏弱狀態 再看移動平均線,恆指收市位低於7天線或以上,即恆指現處普遍平均線以下,為後市未許樂觀的另一訊號。 主流反映短期走向的平均線為10天和20天線,雖見10天線在上,是快線高於慢線,解讀為後市可看好;惟也應留意10天線在下移,代表就算恆指只是在橫行,10天線跌破20天線僅時間問題,屆時視為利淡訊號出現,意味著現看10天線與20天線的互動,便斷言看好後市,理據絕不充份。另看稱為「牛熊分界線」的250天線,自6月21日起收於其下,港股處於熊市的偏弱狀態。 恆指或繼續欠方向 而按6月28日恆指收市位計算,250天線處於19,508點,連同上述「補裂口」分析,證明19,500點為短期重要參考位置。 至少見連續兩天恆指上破收市,理解為港股處於牛市狀態,纔可進一步看7月有力挑戰20,000至20,200點。否則,恆指視為繼續缺乏方向,主要波幅區間維持在18,800至19,500點。 至於基本因素,首要仍看美元兌人民幣走勢,6月27日人民幣曾見回升,一度見在岸價報7.2060,較6月26日
      【聶Sir市評】正向及負向因素抗衡 恆指走向仍在醞釀確立 (2023/06/29)
    • 幸运之拳幸运之拳
    • 幸运之拳幸运之拳
      $TCA.HK 20220128 388.24 PUT$can anyone enlighten me why the strike price suddenly all become diff price? Previously whole number
    • 幸运之拳幸运之拳
      Yes never say never. Is just a matter of time for them to come out their own euv. Maybe yrs or decade to come before they suceed 

      UPDATE 1-ASML still has no licence to ship newest machines to China - CEO

      (Updates with CEO quotes.) AMSTERDAM, Jan 19 (Reuters) - The chief executive of ASML Holding NV
      UPDATE 1-ASML still has no licence to ship newest machines to China - CEO

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