
    • HurryChopchoHurryChopcho
      $Facebook(FB)$ I don't get why getting personalised ads is a problem. I don't want to scroll my Facebook feed and see unrelated ads. Like if I am a guy and if I see advertisement for make up? Isn't that a horrible experience??? I really dun want to go back to the days when we have so many unrelated ads thrown to our face. We are using Facebook for free. What's wrong with giving up abit of our data??? 
    • HurryChopchoHurryChopcho
      i don't get why getting personalised ads is a problem. I don't want to scroll my Facebook feed and see unrelated ads. like if i am a guy and if i see advertisement for make up? isn't that a horrible experience??? I really dun want to go back to the time when we have so many unrelated ads thrown to our face. we are using Facebook for free. what's wrong with giving up abit of our data???

      Facebook Blames Apple for Its Ad Business Woes Amid Escalating Feud

      Is it ethical to take someone's personal data, then shove targeted ads in front of them that earn yo
      Facebook Blames Apple for Its Ad Business Woes Amid Escalating Feud
    • HurryChopchoHurryChopcho
      i thought already dip? dipping again meh? i think these Articles quite dumb. fast food is the number 1 cause for obesity, so should McDonald's stop selling burgers and start selling salad??? its up to the parents to educate their children. dun push the blame to Facebook. not happy just don't use and be disconnect from the virtual world. you can always become primitive and read newspaper and call up friends to catch up. but how many can do that? social media is here to stay.

      Jaw-dropping moments in WSJ's bombshell Facebook investigation

      New York (CNN Business)This week the Wall Street Journal released a series of scathing articles abou
      Jaw-dropping moments in WSJ's bombshell Facebook investigation
    • HurryChopchoHurryChopcho
      $Tesla Motors(TSLA)$golden cross coming?
    • HurryChopchoHurryChopcho
      $Tesla Motors(TSLA)$the Energy Giant has awaken.
    • HurryChopchoHurryChopcho
      $Tesla Motors(TSLA)$Most are unaware that Tesla is disrupting the energy market with their Autobidder. They did it in Australia, USA and now Germany. Tesla's competitor is not just the other EV companies, but also traditional energy companies like Sinopec and ExxonMobil. This is just the beginning. and it will be HUGE.
    • HurryChopchoHurryChopcho
      $Tesla Motors(TSLA)$Anticipateling Fud storm.Turning on Fud Immunity. Activating Diamond Hands .
    • HurryChopchoHurryChopcho
      $Tesla Motors(TSLA)$Elon Musk seem to be in a good mood. What do you all think? Good news on earnings?
    • HurryChopchoHurryChopcho
      battery swapping is really a stupid idea. its costly to Nio and hard to scale. the key is build a good battery. look at smartphones. we used to swap batteries. but now? no one does that. 

      Nio Throws New Challenge At Tesla As Competition Heats Up

      The Tesla of China plans 4,000 battery-swap stations for electric vehicles by 2025. Nio stock reversed lower.
      Nio Throws New Challenge At Tesla As Competition Heats Up
    • HurryChopchoHurryChopcho
      its a software update..."Owners are not required to return their vehicles, as it would be a remote online software ‘recall.’"


      剛“沉寂”了一段時間的特斯拉$特斯拉(TSLA)$ ,又因爲召回事件引發了關注!6月26日,國家市場監管總局發佈了特斯拉北京公司、特斯拉上海公司召回部分進口和國產Model 3、國產Model Y的公告。根據公告顯示,特斯拉北京公司將召回2019年1月12日至2019年11月27日期間生產的部分進口Model 3電動汽車,共計35665輛;特斯拉上海公司將召回2019年12月19日至2021年6月7日期間生產的部分國產Model 3電動汽車,共計211256輛;2021年1月1日至2021年6月7日期間生產的部分國產Model Y電動汽車,共計38599輛。 本次召回的原因主要是,主動巡航控制系統問題。據悉,本次召回是在國家市場監督管理總局啓動缺陷調查情況下開展的。當然,這並非特斯拉第一次召回了。早在今年2月,國家市場監督管理總局官網就曾披露,特斯拉就申請召回20428輛進口Model S;召回15698輛進口的Model X,合計召回數量超過3.6萬輛的消息。當時,召回的原因是部分特斯拉車輛的eMMC多媒體存儲卡存在安全隱患。而在此之前,美國國家公路交通安全管理局也曾發佈公告稱,特斯拉已申請召回約13.5萬輛Model S和Model X。也就是說,年初特斯拉已經申請召回的汽車數量就達到了17萬輛,再加上本次召回的28.5萬輛,也就是說特斯拉今年年申請召回了的車輛已達45萬輛,這相當於去年特斯拉銷量的90%以上。不僅如此,本次召回也成爲了特斯拉成立以來最大規模的召回事件。我們注意到,本次召回的285520特斯拉其生產主要集中在2019年1月至2021年6月之間,而這一段時間正是特斯拉的產能加速期。2月3日,特斯拉的CEO埃隆·馬斯克在與行業分

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