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      在這個四月,三個二十多歲的女孩子徹底改變了美國的主流文化圈。 滿頭紫發的Abigail Barlow手握格萊美獎盃,激動得無以復加。這個年僅23歲的美國女生意外登頂了今年的格萊美最佳音樂劇獎。和她一起獲獎的還有她的好友兼搭檔、年僅20歲的Emily Bear。 與往屆獲獎者不一樣的是,她們並不屬於某個影視集團的明星班底,她們的作品也不是電視臺的大手筆製作,而是走紅於年輕人的“草根”平臺——TikTok。甚至她們的作品,都始於對某部劇的熱愛而創作的“同人”。圖片截圖自格萊美頒獎禮 “一年前,當我在TikTok上問是否要將《布里斯頓》變成舞臺劇的時候,我完全沒有做夢想過我們一年後會能站在格萊美的講臺上拿着獎盃。我們想感謝每個從零支持我們的網友。你們都是這個項目的一部分。”Abigail站在領獎臺上表示。 “如果你有一個夢想,不要猶豫,追求它,就會成功。”她說。而讓她意外夢想成真的,離不開TikTok。 TikTok直播劇登頂格萊美 在過去很多年,格萊美獲獎的音樂劇大多是精雕細琢的作品。它們誕生於大師級的音樂創作者之手,被專業的歌舞劇演員演繹,在百老匯這樣的大舞臺登臺亮相。但今年的獲獎作品卻是一部來自社交媒體TikTok的、由兩個初出茅廬的年輕音樂人,通過直播完成的“盜版”劇。整個創作過程用時不過6個星期。整個音樂劇,她們一共創作出15首歌曲。 這兩個年輕姑娘在獲得格萊美大獎之前,有兩個身份:音樂人和TikTok網紅。 “最初,我聽到每個人都在討論《布里斯頓》這部Netflix劇。直到我開始看,就徹底停不下來。”Bear在一段採訪中表示。於是,2021年1月,她在TikTok上素顏隨手發了一段自己依據《布里斯頓》劇集創作的一段音樂,並配字幕:將《布里斯頓》變成一出音樂劇怎麼樣?” 這段不經意的視頻,最終在TikTok爆火。網友們紛紛表示:搞起!網友回覆表示:“《布里斯頓》一定要變
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      成本上,鄭煤(809, 7.00, 0.87%)價格反彈,上漲12%,5月合約盤面煤制甲醇(2908, 1.00, 0.03%)利潤爲380元/噸,但現貨煤制甲醇利潤虧損較大,爲-530元/噸,成本上在現貨端存支撐;供應方面,產量與開工率回升,但2月檢修結束的產能不多,開工率回升幅度較少,另外,1月實際進口量低於預期,供應端壓力不大,影響中性偏空;庫存方面,進口放緩,需求向好,提貨順暢,港口庫存與企業庫存均下降,庫存影響偏多;需求方面,家電、房地產較弱,甲醇終端的需求不佳,但MTO開工率近一個月大幅回升,下游的短期需求回暖,需求端影響偏多。庫存不高,短期需求強於供應,甲醇短期基本面中性偏好。技術上,短期偏強運行。估計甲醇短期走勢以偏強震盪爲主。
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      How Corporate deal with the future of workplaces

      Wall Street is battling to determine the future of work from homeNew York (CNN Business)Big banks like to stick together on major policy decisions. But as Wall Street grapples with heading back-to-work, a rare chasm is growing between the finance giants. The implications of these choices, and the resulting stratification of policies will likely ripple through the world of finance and out to Main Street in the coming months. Citigroup's chief executive Jane Fraser announced in March 2021 that the majority of the company's 210,000 employees will be allowed to go hybrid with three days in the office and two days at home each week. UBS made similar plans last month with the launch of their Virtual Worker Framework that will allow some US employees to work 100% remotely. Goldman Sachs, Bank of
      How Corporate deal with the future of workplaces
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      請大家關注我的YouTube頻道:騷Will搞美股大家別忘了點贊,留言並且轉發給更多的朋友們,謝謝大家支持[得意]求推廣:@Tony特別帥@愛發紅包的虎妞@小虎AV$微軟(MSFT)$ $英偉達(NVDA)$ $蘋果(AAPL)$ $特斯拉(TSLA)$ $AMD(AMD)$
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      FOMC Minutes: Here are 3 Points to Watch

      The newly released January minutes cover the most concerning subjects: rate hikes and balance sheet runoff. But financial stability warned by participants should also be noticed. Minutes of the January FOMC meeting showed that Fed officials at their latest meeting began plans to raise interest rates and reduce the trillion-dollar balance sheet.In addition, some officials expressed concerns about financial stability at the meeting, and pointed out that current market risks come fromsurgeinasset prices and crypto assets. Rate Hike The FOMC committee stated at its two-day meeting in January that it would not raise rates for now, but strongly hinted at a rate hike in March. After the minutes were released at 2 p.m., stocks recovered early losses and the US&nb
      FOMC Minutes: Here are 3 Points to Watch
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      就在我碼字兒的時候,美黃金期貨漲到了1880的阻力位後,開始了它兩週以來第一次像點樣子的回調,你估計在想,這是不是個抄底的機會?黃金在未來還能重回2000美元價位的巔峯嗎? 跌宕的黃金,和難以確定的利率 從技術圖形上一眼望去,自從2020年8月的高點跌下來,金價走出了一個長達兩年的顛簸之路,黃金並不是一個能讓人拿的住的品種。因爲自從疫情爆發以來,美國市場經歷了貨幣政策預期上的反覆折騰。先是0利率,加上無限QE政策託底美股市場,接着疫情緩和後,通脹失控,美聯儲又開始了貨幣緊縮之路。 你可以對照一下黃金的每次高位下跌,幾乎都是對應了美債利率期貨的上漲,所以,只要美聯儲加息的政策不確定,金價就很難持穩。 我們對比一下5年期美債收益率期貨和黃金期貨的價格走勢。 長時間以來,金價和美債收益率是呈現典型的負相關關係,這很符合經濟原理,當投資產品的收益率上漲以後,黃金的投資價值自然會相應的減少,同時美元資產的收益對應了美元的價值,美元指數的上漲當然也會壓低黃金走勢。 所以你會發現,近一年多來,隨着美聯儲加息預期的走強,美債收益率也在不斷的走高。每當市場對加息的時間預期提前,或者對加息次數預期增加的時候,黃金都會出現一波大幅的下探,好像是個被嚇怕了的孩子,剛剛露頭就被打了下來,這樣的走勢,最早可以追溯到鮑威爾連任確定之後,黃金走出了超過10個百分點的回撤,就是因爲,市場預期鮑威爾會對貨幣政策鷹派到底。 所以你看,這個紅色線標註的,非常頑強的阻力線,就是黃金反覆測試的下降渠道,它在1年多的時間裏被反覆的夯實,這根線的拋壓相當大。但最近,黃金突然漲破了這個渠道,標誌着黃金市場上的情緒從看空轉向了積極,所以目前的黃金走勢值得我們認真分析一下。 首先,黃金的這次突破並不自然,而是事件的衝動。 什麼事件,我就不用說了,烏克蘭和俄羅斯的地緣政Z危機,讓本該遇阻回落的價格出現了暴漲,而且剛剛好是在時間上
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      [Why Tesla is a tough stock to short?]The investment committee joins the 'Halftime Report' to discuss thoughts on the news that Greenlight Capital is shorting Tesla. $特斯拉(TSLA)$
      [Why Tesla is a tough stock to short?]The investment committee joins the 'Halftime Report' to discuss thoughts on the news that Greenlight Capital is shorting Tesla. $特斯拉(TSLA)$
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      The escalation of Russia-Ukraine crisis could prove a buying opportunity

      The escalation of Russia-Ukraine incident triggered a risk aversion market? The events in Russia and Ukraine are rather confusing, and neither side can see that there is much action, but the United States and the European Union tell the world seriously: "Russia will invade Ukraine in the near future". It is not known whether Russia will really attack Ukraine, but the capital market now thinks it is possible to start a war. Therefore, last Friday night, crude oil, gold and wheat all fluctuated abnormally. Next, I will discuss with you what trading opportunities there are in this safe-haven market if it really starts. I. Crude oil When Russia and Ukraine start fighting, European and American countries will definitely sanction Russia, which will hinder Russia's crude oil export, which will un
      The escalation of Russia-Ukraine crisis could prove a buying opportunity
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      Sell Bond! Equities, Dividend, Commodities, Specialty ETFs See Inflows!

      Most of the stocks have down 40~50%, Here are 3 directions that Institutional Money goes? We've witnessed the sharp decline of stock market in January, and many stocks got big declined,and we've seen trends tend to be positive in recent weeks. Aureus Asset Management chairman and CEO Karen Firestone shared on an interview said: " Most of the stocks have down 40%~50%, now that its time to buy……" Click to Review the video: Most of the stocks down 50% are have hit their lows What's your opinion? Do you feel positive? Below are some dat
      Sell Bond! Equities, Dividend, Commodities, Specialty ETFs See Inflows!
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      The Hottest Stocks from Different Platforms (11th, Feb)

      Hi, Tigers! To give you comprehensive up-to-date news on the market trend, we have summarized the top hottest stocks in the past 24 hours on our app and other websites. Let's take a look: The Most Searched Stocks in the Tiger Trade App: $Grab Holdings(GRAB)$ $Tesla Motors(TSLA)$ $Meta Platforms, Inc.(FB)$ $Apple(AAPL)$ $Walt Disney(DIS)$ $Palantir Technologies Inc.(PLTR)$ $Sea Ltd(SE)$ $NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$ $AMC Entertainme
      The Hottest Stocks from Different Platforms (11th, Feb)

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