
    • happyPuppyhappyPuppy
      Episode 5: What can I do with SPX retraced last 3 days? Technically, it is a healthily retrace for long term investor. We may able to pick up good undervalued stocks and add to our portfolio. For trader, the trends are still bullish and it may help me to search for stocks to buy with indicators I have. Options trading is one of the best trading tool I used so far. We can use Bull Put options to trade at a expiring date. For trader, you need to be educated with knowledge to use it to help you generate good profit. In trading, there is alway entry and exit rules.  Happy investing and trading. See you again in next episode.
    • happyPuppyhappyPuppy
      Episode 4, most big companies have reported earnings. It is good time to see if any of the companies are still undervalues and can add more to our portfolio. MSFT could be near fair value for few website but I will prefer a lower for another position if I have not fully allocated. Here we are talking about investing and for trading, I will wait for bullish indicators to place my order. For trading, there is a rule to cut loss. Hope my sharing is good and helpful. Have a happy investing and trading.
    • happyPuppyhappyPuppy
      #Hot Good to know. As an investor myself, I ignore the news or noise that affect my decision. I just look for a list of good business to invest. Continue to buy at good opportunity and when undervalue. If any of if my allocation is full, I will not add. I can also increase the overall allocation an interval of 2-3 years.
    • happyPuppyhappyPuppy

      Episode 6: How to create wealth with investing and trading?

      I am going to retire in next 10 years, what should I do to have a good retirement? 1. How much money I have to last until 85? To answer above is about planning. We need to have a good retirement plan. In the retirement plan, we should include our incomes, expenses and lifestyle. For incomes like rental and dividends. Expenses like food, grocery, utilities, tax, travel, etc. For lifestyle, we need to know if we are living an expensive one, cheap one or simple one. For those who have retirement account is a good step to have regular payout and it is important to know how much you are going to spend each month. 2. How to I invest now and am I too late? Investing now is not too late. in the next 10 years, you can invest in great and undervalued companies. Before investing, have a goo
      Episode 6: How to create wealth with investing and trading?
    • happyPuppyhappyPuppy

      Episode 3: Is VEEV undervalue?

      VEEV is still undervalue based on Morningstars. What is VEEV? VEEV is called Veeva and it is a leader in Cloud-Based software for the global life sciences industry. For those who like to own healthcare that related to technology, it is one of the stocks to consider. Investment required patient and continuous to build great company. The fair value 275-330 based on few website.  To invest, it is also good to understand the health of a company if it has low or high debt. There are companies where they have no debt. Lookout for those companies if they are still undervalue.  Enjoy your investing and will share again. 
      Episode 3: Is VEEV undervalue?
    • happyPuppyhappyPuppy
      Episode 2: What are the undervalue and good company still worth for investing? What can I do? If you did not own any of the stocks below and wanting to own the business can be considered. Today I will show this stock and based on Morningstar, it still undervalue. We need to assess it financial statement if it is strong. Why the price did not rise like other tech stocks? As an investor, we can deep dive to find out more. The price I will enter will base on any support level. Two prices that I'm looking are $117 & $110. Depend if I have existing shares and possible to average at a position.  Always put your investment in different baskets with appropriate capital. Investing needs regular capital to build your wealth.  Follow me and hope you enjoy. 
    • happyPuppyhappyPuppy

      How can I invest wisely?

      Investing is a long term business. First you need to know how long you going to be in this business. To setup this business, you need to have capital and you need to use your capital wisely.  Let say you have $10,000 and what you want to own? Allocate 3-5 stocks and you do not need to buy all at one time. Why? You need to look for good stock and undervalue ones. Is there any now?  There are still good and undervalue stocks. One example is GOOGL, Morningstar fair value is $154.  Alternative, we can look into ETF for dollar cost average but to optimise is to enter at a support level (Moving average). ETF growth will be slower compared to a stock.  Stay we me for next week update. Below is one of my recent portfolio.
      How can I invest wisely?
    • happyPuppyhappyPuppy
      $SPDR Portfolio S&P 500 Growth ETF(SPYG)$ An ETF similar to SPY but focus on growth stockS. Good for investor to have stocks like AAPL, MSFT, NVDA, GOOGL, TSLA.
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      Company: TTMF Limited. Tech supported by Xiangshang Yixin.
