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      $Tesla Motors(TSLA)$ "Hard to justify Tesla's valuation without robotaxis," says Guggenheim's Ronald Jewsikow • $TSLA stock dropped about 8.5% due to a delay in the expected robotaxi event, ending an 11-day winning streak. • Elon Musk's past statements about Tesla's self-driving capabilities have sometimes missed market expectations, impacting stock performance. • Investors are skeptical about Tesla's ability to launch robotaxi technology without enough testing data to satisfy regulators. • Even with recent stock gains, there are worries about Tesla's focus on short-term market trends instead of long-term fundamentals like Q2 earnings quality.
      $Tesla Motors(TSLA)$ "Hard to justify Tesla's valuation without robotaxis," says Guggenheim's Ronald Jewsikow • $TSLA stock dropped about 8.5% due to a delay in the expected robotaxi event, ending an 11-day winning streak. • Elon Musk's past statements about Tesla's self-driving capabilities have sometimes missed market expectations, impacting stock performance. • Investors are skeptical about Tesla's ability to launch robotaxi technology without enough testing data to satisfy regulators. • Even with recent stock gains, there are worries about Tesla's focus on short-term market trends instead of long-term fundamentals like Q2 earnings quality.
    • SG20748SG20748
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      🎁Day 3.The longer the expiration date, the smaller the time value. Can you believe it?

      HelloWelcome to Tiger Academy - 「Options Greeks Column」episode 3.In our previous article, we mentioned that due to the presence of the gamma coefficient, at-the-money options make money the quickest. However, at the same time, as the expiration date approaches, at-the-money options also face the highest time decay risk.So, how can one manage the risk of time decay, and is there a scenario where options with longer expiration dates have smaller time values?Today, we will address these questions by exploring another Greek value of options - theta. First, let's understand what an option's theta value is.1. what is the Theta of an option?Theta represents the change in the option price due to the passage of time. In other words, it indicates how much the option price decreases with each passing
      🎁Day 3.The longer the expiration date, the smaller the time value. Can you believe it?
    • SG20748SG20748
      k//@OptionsTracker:Selling covered call options (sell covered call) is a strategy adopted by many large funds. It can also be used by retail investors in the US stock market.You can get income while holding it. This strategy is very suitable for stocks that have long-term positions, but they have not moved but they are not in a bearish position recently or are in a bearish position recently. It can be a good strategy for mature investors to roll over when holding some targets for a long time. Income comparison Assume that investors hold 200 shares of Amazon from January 1 to December 17, 2021 If there is no operation during the holding period, the final total assets will be USD 675,484 If the covered call strategy is carried out, it wi

      Hot stocks covered call reference [September 8]

      Selling covered call options (sell covered call) is a strategy adopted by many large funds. It can also be used by retail investors in the US stock market.You can get income while holding it. This strategy is very suitable for stocks that have long-term positions, but they have not moved but they are not in a bearish position recently or are in a bearish position recently. It can be a good strategy for mature investors to roll over when holding some targets for a long time. Income comparison Assume that investors hold 200 shares of Amazon from January 1 to December 17, 2021 If there is no operation during the holding period, the final total assets will be USD 675,484 If the covered call strategy is carried out, it will be operated once a week; if 100 shares are sold after the exercise, ano
      Hot stocks covered call reference [September 8]
    • SG20748SG20748

      Part 1/11 - How to use [Hammer Candlestick Chart] to identify Bull market

      I believe there are some traders and investors who favored Candlestick charts because of the visual appeal and simple to understand nature. This is the 1st part of a series of articles that I will be covering to show how to identify Bull market using Hammer candlestick. Bullish Candlestick Charts Hammer Inverse Hammer Bullish Engulfing Piercing line Morning star Three white soldiers The Bullish harami The White Marubozu Tweezer Bottom candlestick The Three Outside Up On-Neck pattern Today I will be covering Hammer candlestick charts History of Candlestick Charts Candlestick history lies in the Japanese rice trading and the system has been updated and utilized throughout the years, becoming the most popular method of charting assets. They are called candlesticks because of their rectangula
      Part 1/11 - How to use [Hammer Candlestick Chart] to identify Bull market
    • SG20748SG20748

      Institution Views| How Far Away is the US Debt Default?

      For a long time, US Treasuries have been widely regarded as the world's safest "risk-free assets" because the United States, as the world's strongest country, has never defaulted on its debt.However, on January 19th of this year, the US government's debt had already reached the statutory limit of $31.38 trillion, which means that the US Treasury Department will not be able to continue issuing Treasury bonds until Congress passes relevant legislation to raise the debt ceiling.Without external assistance, the US Treasury Department has been forced to use its Treasury General Account and cut or suspend unnecessary expenses. In addition, the high Treasury yields have further increased the interest expenses for the US government. This combination of factors has made the US Treasury Department i
      Institution Views| How Far Away is the US Debt Default?
    • SG20748SG20748

      Break Or Bounce Moment For S&P 500! 😉

      $SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust(SPY)$ Some take puts, some take calls, we take both and win them all 🥳 Close to 20% gain from taking both directions. We've very good data releases this week that points to Fed could be ending the interest rate hike as early as May. However, the stock market is still pointing downwards over the last two trading days. One reason is a healthy pullback after four days of spikes is due. Like a catapult, some pulling tension is required to propel the object to hit its target. Are we going to bounce from the lower channel to double top or break the critical trend towards 400 next week? More Bullish Numbers For The Fed We have a lower PMI number on Monday. Fina
      Break Or Bounce Moment For S&P 500! 😉
    • SG20748SG20748

      基本面表現優異 洲際船務中長線看好

      在開年沉寂一段時間後,港新股市場終於開始回暖,本月底前將陸續上市的幾隻新股中,不乏優質價投標的。其中,洲際船務憑藉亮眼的財務表現引起資本市場關注。3月29日, $洲際船務(02409)$ 正式登陸港交所主板。 洲際船務主要提供船舶管理及航運服務。船運管理業務方面,洲際船務通過持續擴張,將自身打造成領先的船舶管理服務提供者。截至2022年9月30日止9個月,該公司共管理206艘船舶,類型覆蓋幹散貨船、油輪、化學品船、客船、雜貨船及集裝箱船等多個類別,在行業內建立了穩固的競爭優勢。2019年至2021年間,洲際船務船舶管理服務業務板塊的收入複合增速達到35.3%左右。 航運服務方面,洲際船務通過租賃與控制建立了一個多元化的船隊。在筆者看來,這種輕重資產並重的方式,使其能夠有效控制運營成本,進一步提升盈利能力和行業競爭力。得益於過去兩年運價的大幅上漲,公司航運服務業務實現強勁增長。2019年至2021年間,該板塊收入從1.09億美元增長至3.24億美元,漲幅接近3倍。 盈利方面,2019年-2021年間,洲際船務淨利潤從843.4萬美元增至4,000.5萬美元,複合增速高達117.8%。值得一提的是,在2022年BDI全年平均指數較2021年大幅下跌的情況下,洲際船務淨利潤依然實現了大幅上升, 2022年前9個月,公司淨利潤達到5,543.4萬美元,同比增長60.7%。 從市場前景看,隨著中國疫後經濟的復甦,在下游需求的提振下,2022年至2026年,中國海運服務業市場規模預計將以3.8%的複合年增長率增長。洲際船務不斷擴充其船舶規模運力,隨著其租入船數量的增加以及船舶管理服務網點、技術人才的逐步積累,有望在穩健的行業增長中受益,並通過其輕重資產並重的組
      基本面表現優異 洲際船務中長線看好
    • SG20748SG20748

      Us stocks price forecast for the next 10 days - CCL,CHPT,COIN,CVNA,DIS,DKNG,DVN,ENPH & ENVX

      Hello, Everyone.Today, I'll give you a 10-day forecast of U.S. stock prices: $Enovix Corporation(ENVX)$ Buy and Hold ◆ Forecast of Upper~Lower price range over the next 10 days Price: 11.19 ~ 13.94 % Change: -4.00% ~ 19.52% The Buy-Sell strength is suitable for the current trend and it's about to begin an upward trend as an adjustment trend gradually gives way to increasing limited falls and strong rises in a bullish zone. $Enphase Energy(ENPH)$ Sell ◆ Forecast of Upper~Lower price range over the next 10 days Price: 181.20 ~ 203.66 % Change: -7.47% ~ 4.00% When the stock market opened, the Buy-Sell strength has turned into a strengthened buying flow but it's about to begin a downward tren
      Us stocks price forecast for the next 10 days - CCL,CHPT,COIN,CVNA,DIS,DKNG,DVN,ENPH & ENVX
    • SG20748SG20748

      March FED Memo

      @Just Do It
      Let's start with the conclusion. 1. Compared to the December dot plot, we do not see any hint of the Fed turning dovish. 2. The banking crisis does not affect the Fed's tightening attitude. As always, the Fed doesn't know what path it wants to take the U.S. economy down. 4. Ready to start hearing the "stagflation" narrative? 1. Don't see any signs of the Fed turning pivot (Pivot). As expected, the Fed raised rates by one tick in March, raising the benchmark rate to a range of 4.75%-5.00%, in line with Street's expectations, and in line with the expected message, which is usually not too important. Going into this FOMC meeting, I think the worst scenario "is definitely an immediate rate cut" because it means the Fed is likely to see more systemic problems than we see on the outside, which m
      March FED Memo
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