
    • CherubimCherubim

      Do you can't live without someone special?

      Do you can’t live without somone special? narwals jallyfish live in the sea . They can’t live without water. Olw can’t live without sky. They just can’t live without natural. But Jesus’s animal sheep not only can’t live without grass but also the shepherd. If a flock of sheep don’t have shepherd , The ending time is coming for them . They have so many ways to collapse. Such as got lost , ate by wolf , no grass and water , can’t have next generation, have useless wool and skin . Sheep need somebody special for them , they were been created together , like mentors and disciples. If you want to be Jesus’s sheep , Your mentor must be a couple of lamb. Then do you live without someone special? Please buy the freedom of 2 lambs and 144000 disciples .
      Do you can't live without someone special?
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